Thursday 21 September 2023

Solo Dragon Warriors: Creating My Character

That downbeat survivor look is about right for a Dragon Warriors character

With setting and tools squared away; and mechanics being kept simple and non-intrusive; next port of call is character generation: 3d6 down the line, as Gary intended.

Strength 15

Reflexes 11 

Intelligence 9

Psychic Talent 9

Looks 11

So this guy is a knight. His above average strength means he’ll have encumbrance (12 items instead of 10) and attack score bonuses. Dragon Warriors rules make knights inherently defensive fighters, using better armour and defence scores than the more offensive barbarian profession with its ability to go berserk. So he’ll be skilled with his shield and in tracking, as per the rule book. I figure since he’s travelling alone he is independent and probably come off worse in a few fights. I couldn’t think of a satisfactory name or back story so I’m leaving this blank for now, to be filled in later. Expressing all this in a more FKR style looks like:

Nameless Knight







Armour: Coat of Plates, mail-shirt 

Gear (12 items plus Backpack) 

  1. Bedroll
  2. Lantern (plus Flint and Tinder)
  3. Oil
  4. Sword
  5. Dagger
  6. Shield
  7. Rations (7days)
  8. Wineskin

Ok, then. Ready for adventure….


1 comment:

  1. Could you send me an email sometime, Dom? It's about DW and such. You can mail me at simonphbarns at gmail dot com. Ta.

    Twitter rubbishification such a pain.
